
How To Prevent Copy Paste In Blog


This time I just share a little of your blog post is about how to prevent copy and paste in the blog, if my opinion does not really matter this is, is a distinct advantage when our article in Copas (copy and paste), what if my friend is willing Copas include the source of the article, it could add a back link, an advantage

But for my friend who felt that the article my friend is very important and is not willing to copy and paste, this might be quite useful to do. but how is not fully protect your blog content, stidaknya enough to make people who intend to copy and paste a little confused when she was a newbie, because there's actually another way to be able to copy and paste blog article is protected even if the script anti Copas.

Without length, this time to protect blog on blogger (blogspot) away from the copy paste is disable right click, or better known as the deadly right-click. Here's a tutorial how to turn off right click on blogspot.

     Login to
     From the Dashboard page, please buddy go to Layout> Edit HTML
     Then look for the code <body> or <body (with aid press Ctrl + F or F3)
     Add the following code into the code <body> or <body before, or could also replace all

<body oncontextmenu='return false' onmousedown='return false' onselectstart='return false' onkeypress='return false'>

Buddy also could use some extra code only, or all of them may well, it's up to your needs.

Here's an explanation of the above code:

oncontextmenu = 'return false' (to turn off the right click mouse)
onmousedown = "return false '(click on a block to turn it down)
onselectstart = 'return false' (to turn off the block selection)
onkeypress = 'return false' (to turn off the keyboard)

If so, the Save Template blog