
Download Comodo Dragon Internet Browser

  After a long time I test a browser that is reliable than Firefox 3.6, Safari 4 and Chrome 4 & 5, but the result is very satisfactory. Even after I test the V8 Benchmark Suit
This browser scored 1680, which is a very good result considering only Chrome are the highest score in the V8 Benchmark Suite. Is this browser???

Yes Comodo Dragon, a chromium-based browser (using chrome source code) which is a newcomer browser that offers better security than any other browser, the browser even lighter and more nimble than Google Chrome 5 Beta and Chrome 4 Stable. The browser is much simpler in design to facilitate users, as well as to generate JavaScript with incredible speed.

The browser runs on Windows Operating System XP-32bit/Vista-32bit/7-32bit


     Improved Privacy over Chromium
     Identification of SSL Certificates
     Quick access to the website
     More stable and small memory usage
     Incognito mode Stopping Cookies, Privacy Enhancing
     It's easy to switch from your Browser to the Dragon.