
Railway Station Highest in Europe

Railway Station Highest in Europe | Located 3,454 meters above sea level, the Jungfraujoch or also known as the Top of Europe, is the highest railway station in the European Union.

Stasiun Kereta Api Tertinggi Di Eropa

The station is located at the peak of Monch and Jungfrau mountains in the center of Switzerland that offer a spectacular view over the glacier.

In addition to enjoying the scenery, tourists can also visit the Ice Museum. This place is a series of tunnels and rooms carved out of glaciers and ice sculpture filled with ornaments.

Well, one of the tunnels, called Alpine Sensation also presents the history of the Jungfrau railway station. And administratively, the station is actually located in Fieschertal, Valais, Switzerland.
For those of you who are not afraid of heights, you can visit the Sphinx Observatory, a scientific observatory within 117 meters from the Ice Museum. To achieve it, you can use a lift available.