Shortcut virus nature always menduplikatkan any folder on hard drive or flash to add a new shortcut. If we try to delete a file in the ordinary then this virus will appear and reappear. But by eliminating the shortcut virus, we will easily remove this stubborn virus shortcut:
How to Eliminate Virus Shortcut
Turn off the virus wsrcipt.exe (C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ wscript.exe). Can use the Task Manager
Remove the existing parent file in C: \ Documents and Settings \ \ My Documents \ database.mdb, so that every time the computer starts will not load the file. And do not forget we are also open MSCONFIG, disable the run command
To delete the files earlier than 4 files, we have to find ways to search file with the extension. Lnk size 1 kb. On the 'More advanced options' make sure the option 'Search system folders' and 'Search hidden files and folders' is checked both
Please be careful, not all files shortcut / LNK file size of 1 kb is a virus, we can distinguish it from the icon, size and type. To create a shortcut icon for the virus using the icon 'folder', size 1 kb and type 'shortcut'. While the correct folder should not have 'size' and type is 'File Folder'.