
97 tips n trik registry part3

share advanced 97 registry tips n tricks part3

(61). Adding Identity Windows Media Player--------------------------------------------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Policies \ MicrosoftHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ WindowsClick Edit> New> Key and name WindowsMediaPlayer. Click Edit> New> String Value and name titlebar. Double-click the titlebar and enter the desired text in Value Data.

(62). Changing Button Button Stop Being Play In Windows Media Player-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ MediaPlayer \ Objects \ StopButtonDouble click and enter text onclick player.controls. play () in Value Data.

(63). Choosing Default Audio CD-------------------------------------HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ AudioCD \ Shell \ Play \ CommandDouble-click (Default) and enter the path you want the software CD Audio player by default. For example: C: \ Program Files \ Windows Media Player \ wmplayer.exe

(64). Restoring Access to CD-ROM----------------------------------After uninstalling a CD burning program, sometimes a CD-ROM can no longer be accessed. Do the following to menormalkannya. Go to the following location:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentCo ntrolSet \ Control \ Class \ {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}Delete the subkey LowerFilters and UpperFilters by pressing the Del key.

(65). Decrease Thumbnail Size For Windows Explorer-------------------------------------------------- ---------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ExplorerSelect Edit menu> New> Binary Value and name ThumbnailSize. ThumbnailSize double click and enter the number 20 in Value Data.

(66). Creating Personal Menu Shortcut In Windows Explorer-------------------------------------------------- -------HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shellChoose Edit> New> Key and name it as an example Winamp. Double-click option (Default) on the right and enter your text editor registry Winamp. Click the subkey Winamp and go to Edit> New> Key and name it Command. Double-click option (Default) and enter the path C: \ Program Files \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe in Value Data.

(67). Encryption Through Context Menu----------------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ AdvancedCreate a new DWORD Value and give name EncryptionContextMenu. EncryptionContextMenu double click and insert value 1 in Value Data.

(68). Changing Icon On Drives-------------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ExplorerIf not, select Edit> New> Key and name it according to the desired drive [For example: C for drive C:]. At these values, create a new Key and name it DefaultIcon again. Double-click option (Default) and enter the path where the icon is located. For example: D: \ Yeppy \ iconku.ico

(69). Hiding Drive-------------------------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerChoose Edit> New> DWORD Value and name it NoDrives. Double click NoDrives and determine which drive you wish to remove the Value Data. For example: if you want to eliminate the drive E:, insert value 16 in Value Data. Combination of numbers in the Value Data is as follows:A:> 1B:> 2C:> 4D:> 8E:> 16F:> 32G:> 64H:> 128I:> 256A:> 512K:> 1024L:> 2048M:> 4096All:> 67108863

(70). Creating Tip Of The Day Windows Explorer--------------------------------------------To activate open Windows Explorer and then select the menu View> Explorer Bar> Tip of the Day.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ TipsIn the right pane will be visible rows of the tips that are stored in the value 0-49. Two things you can do is replace the tips with a double click each value with the desired text. The second is to add new tips after the sequence begins with the value 49 (eg 50 ff.). Choose Edit> New> String Value and name form continued last digit numbers on the tip (eg, 50 ff.). Double-click the new value and enter the desired text in Value Data.

(71). Hiding Advanced Settings In Windows Explorer Folder Options-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ExplorerUnder the Explorer key will be found subkey named Advanced. Right click and select Rename. Advanced Rename be Advancedx.

(72). Codes Playing Game Cheating Hearts------------------------------------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ AppletsClick the Edit menu> New> Key and name Hearts. Click the Edit menu> New> String Value and name it ZB and fill in the number 42 in Value Data. Open the Hearts game on the Start Menu> All Programs> Games. After entering the name of the player, press the following key combinations: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F12 and all the cards will be opened.

(73). Trash Clean Registry---------------------------------HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ ApplicationHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SoftwareHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARESelect one subkey that is the name of the software you want to delete, then press the Del key.

(74). Trash Clean Uninstall----------------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ UninstallDelete the subkey that has the same name as the software has been uninstalled.

(75). Removing Unwanted Programs List From Add / Remove Programs-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ UninstallDelete the subkey that contains the unwanted program by pressing the Del key.

(76). Run Program At Startup-------------------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunSelect Edit menu> New> String Value with the name of Winamp for example. Double click on the value and enter the path where the program is installed (C: \ Program Files \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe).

(77). Removing Startup Items In MSCONFIG----------------------------------------Click Start> Run> type msconfig, and then click on the startup tab, uncheck the programs you want removed from the startup list.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunDelete the subkey that contains the programs that are not desired by pressing the Del key.

(78). Accelerating Process Shutdown Windows XP-------------------------------------------HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ ControlDouble click WaitToKillServiceTi meout and change the value to be lower than 2000.

(79). Hiding Device Manager----------------------------------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ PoliciesSelect Edit menu> New> Key and name it System. In the System subkey create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDevMgrPage. NoDevMgrPage double click and insert value 1 in Value Data.

(80). Disable AutoRun Function---------------------------------HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerDouble click NoDriveTypeAutoRun and insert value 95 in Value Data.