
How to register and can Dollar in Chitika

How to register and can Dollar in Chitika | New

Chitika is one of the popular websites adsense. Many of the owners of blogs / websites that register as a Chitika publisher because it has several advantages. Enough with 10,000 impressions / month, blog / website to be approved by Chitika

Chitika There are two kinds of membership, namely:

     Adsense Chitika Silver Level

If the blog / website you have visitors from the U.S. is less than 5000 visitors per day, you will automatically become members of the Silver Level Chitika ads.

     Adsense Chitika Gold Level

Has several advantages:

     Perfectly targeted ads for your blog visitors
     CTR is much higher
     Access to high-quality advertisers (such as Bank of America, Geico, etc.)
     The most important: higher income

Payment Terms

     Payment is made at the end of every month you are paid based on the previous month's earnings (Net 30).
     Payments are sent after your account get at least $ 10.00 (USD) for PayPal payment or $ 50.00 (USD) for checks.

How to register at Chitika:

     1.Log in to the site, click here
, then click "Get Started" in Publisher.
     2.Enter your personal details, including email
     3.You just wait for your membership is approved. Notifications will be sent via email during 1-5 working days.
     4.If it is approved, you are ready to put an ad on Chitika