
Download Game Ps1 C-12 - The Final Resistance ISO Psx Free

Download Game Ps1 C-12 - The Final Resistance ISO Psx Free | New

The game opens up at a ruined city as a Resistance dropship drops off Lieutenant Riley Vaughan to locate an attacked outpost and a missing recon team. He does this with relative ease, finding the outposts wounded soldiers and the recon team. The recon team gives him a detonator and the outpost soldiers give him some
explosives. He uses the explosives to clear away a roadblock but the explosion set something off and he continue along his path. During his mission he is periodically updated by Colonel Grisham and Doctor Carter, before the mission Dr. Carter installed an alien optical implant connected to an imaging unit in Vaughan that has the ability to detect enemies and give information about them.

Riley discovers that the explosion set off an alien tank and has alerted several cyborgs in the area. He proceeds to fight the alien tank and destroys it but Col. Grisham tells him that the resistances hidden bunker has been discovered and that is under alien attack. A dropship comes and liftoffs Vaughan to the bunker. Riley discovers that the bunker is under heavy fire and that evacuation are under way. After fighting his way into the bunker Vaughan gets a radio message that the aliens are tracking down their escaping transports but the only ones that knew the GPS code are both dead: General Hammond and Major Carter. Vaughan activate a radar so that they can track the escaping transports to make sure that they are on the right path. Col. Grisham tells Vaughan that they are going to activate the bunkers self-destruct system but to do that they need General Hammond?s nerve implant and tell Vaughan to go retrieve it in the medical bay. Riley discovers that the medical bay is full of droids and cyborgs and fights his way through to the cryo-tubes where the body of General Hammond is. He gets the implant and finds Col. Grisham and Dr. Carter where they scan the implant and activate the self-destruct for T-2 minutes. Vaughan escapes the exploding bunker and finds himself on the streets again. He gets a radio message from Dr. Carter to help any stranded transport or anybody who needs it. Riley battles an alien flier but bests it, he finds a downed transport and helps it reach the second bunker. A little later a flier attacks Vaughan and chases him inside a mall which used to be a resistance stronghold. Inside the auto-defenses activate and lock down the whole mall trapping Vaughan. Riley finds a Resistance technician who tells him how to bypass the malls security and gives him his master keycard. Vaughan bypasses the main computer and the auto defenses thus escapes the mall.

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