
Download Game Ps1 Suikoden II ISO Psx

Plot : The game begins with the Hero and his childhood friend Jowy Atreides working together as members of the youth division of the Highland Army. Luca Blight, the prince of Highland, and Captain Rowd, the Hero?s commanding officer, orchestrate the slaughter of Hero's and Jowy's unit and blame it on the
neighboring city-state of Jowston, giving the prince an excuse to invade Jowston. The Hero and Jowy escape the slaughter by jumping off a cliff into a river.
They meet again after the Hero is fished from the river by a group of mercenaries from the first game?Viktor and Flik?and Jowy is rescued from the river by a girl named Pilika from the town of Toto. The Hero is forced to work for the mercenaries, until Jowy eventually finds him, and the two escape to their hometown of Kyaro in Highland. Upon arriving and reuniting with the Hero's sister, Nanami, the two are tried as spies against Highland and sentenced to death, but are saved by Viktor and Flik and return with the mercenaries.

Game Play : Suikoden II is a role-playing video game with strategic elements covering those gameplay options pertaining to large scale confrontations, such as between two armies. The player controls a quiet protagonist and travels with him around the world map, advancing the plot by completing tasks and talking with other characters. The player can also recruit new characters to his cause, often involving a short sidequest to do so. In towns, the player can gather information, sharpen characters' weaponry, and buy equipment; wilderness areas generally feature random encounters with monsters.
The battle system in Suikoden II features six-person parties. A variety of statistics determine in-game combat ability. If all six characters lose all their hit points and are thus incapacitated, it is game over and the player must restart. Exceptions exist for certain plot battles in which winning is optional; the player can lose and the plot continues on, albeit in a slightly different fashion.

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