
Download Game Ps1 Crash Bandicoot ISO PSX Free

Story : Crash Bandicoot is set on a trio of islands southeast of Australia, all owned by the evil scientist Doctor Neo Cortex. With the aid of his old friend and ingenious scientist, Doctor Nitrus Brio, he creates the Evolvo-Ray, which they use to evolve the various animals living on the islands into beasts with superhuman strength. One of their experiments was a peaceful bandicoot,
Crash, who Cortex had planned for him to be the military leader of Cortex's growing army of animal-based soldiers. Despite warnings from Doctor Brio, Cortex subjects Crash to the untested Cortex Vortex in an attempt to put him under his control. However, the experiment proves to be a failure as the Vortex rejects Crash Seeing Crash as unworthy of his growing army of super-animals, Cortex chases Crash out of a window of the castle, causing him to plummet into the ocean below. Following Crash's escape, Cortex prepares a female bandicoot named Tawna for experimentation.

Game Play : Crash Bandicoot is a platform game in which the player controls Crash Bandicoot, who must traverse the three islands of the game, defeat his creator Doctor Neo Cortex and rescue his girlfriend Tawna. The game is split up into levels, which the player must progress through one at a time to proceed in the game. The player is given a certain amount of lives, which are lost when Crash is attacked by an enemy or falls into water or a pit. If all lives are lost at any point in the game, the "Game Over" screen will appear, in which the player can continue from the last level played by selecting "Yes".
Crash has the ability to jump into the air and land on an enemy character, as well as the ability to spin in a tornado-like fashion to knock enemies off-screen. An enemy that is attacked by Crash's spin attack can be launched into another enemy that is on-screen at the same time. These same techniques can be used to open the numerous boxes found in each stage. Most boxes in the game contain Wumpa Fruit, which give the player an extra life if 100 of them are collected. Another item found inside crates is the Witch Doctor's Mask, which shields Crash from one enemy attack. Collecting three of these masks in a row grants Crash temporary invulnerability from all minor dangers.

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