
Download Software Process Monitor Free

Download Software Process Monitor Free | New

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities,
Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will make Process Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting and malware hunting toolkit.

Overview of Process Monitor Capabilities

Process Monitor includes powerful monitoring and filtering capabilities, including:
  • More data captured for operation input and output parameters
  • Non-destructive filters allow you to set filters without losing data
  • Capture of thread stacks for each operation make it possible in many cases to identify the root cause of an operation
  • Reliable capture of process details, including image path, command line, user and session ID
  • Configurable and moveable columns for any event property
  • Filters can be set for any data field, including fields not configured as columns
  • Advanced logging architecture scales to tens of millions of captured events and gigabytes of log data
  • Process tree tool shows relationship of all processes referenced in a trace
  • Native log format preserves all data for loading in a different Process Monitor instance
  • Process tooltip for easy viewing of process image information
  • Detail tooltip allows convenient access to formatted data that doesn't fit in the column
  • Cancellable search
  • Boot time logging of all operations

Download Software Q-eye (QlikView data file editor) Free

Download Software Q-eye (QlikView data file editor) Free | New

English : Q-Eye QlikView Data File Viewer is a handy application that was especially designed to help users load and view QlikView files in both QVD and QVX formats.

The program has searching, filtering and sorting capabilities, can export output to Excel and it also supports copy/paste actions. 

Feature :

? Supports loading QVD and QVX format files
? Supports copy & paste
? Integrates with the operating system
? Can handle multiple documents
? Can filter, sort and search within the loaded file
 ? Search and Replace data
? Mark Values
? Move, Delete and Rename Fields
? Fields Statistics

Download Game For Android Benji Bananas Free

game on your Android! And it's free!
Exciting and fun physics based adventure game!

Jump between ropes and avoid dangers as they will cut your journey. Earn bananas to get upgrades, specials and power ups.
- Beautiful cartoon & hand drawn like graphics
- Fun physics based gameplay (swing a monkey along ropes to get forward)
- Make your run through various landscapes (temple ruins, waterfalls and jungles)
- Collect fruits like bananas and chilis to gain more upgrades
- Unlock special powers such as a jetpack, chili speed boost and eagle ride
- Cloth your monkey differently (ninja costume, gas mask)
- Different kinds of ropes (vines, snakes, burning ropes etc.)
Download now and experience the joy of flying along the vines through various environments!

Download Software Apache Web Server Xampp Free

free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

Officially, XAMPP's designers intended it for use only as a development tool, to allow website designers and programmers to test their work on their own computers without any access to the Internet. To make this as easy as possible, many important security features are disabled by default.In practice, however, XAMPP is sometimes used to actually serve web pages on the World Wide Web. A special tool is provided to password-protect the most important parts of the package.
XAMPP also provides support for creating and manipulating databases in MySQL and SQLite among others.
Once XAMPP is installed, it is possible to treat a localhost like a remote host by connecting using an FTP client. Using a program like FileZilla has many advantages when installing a content management system (CMS) like Joomla. It is also possible to connect to localhost via FTP with a HTML editor.
The default FTP user is "newuser", the default FTP password is "wampp".
The default MySQL user is "root" while there is no default MySQL password.

Download Software Frhed Free Hex Editor Free

Download Software Frhed Free Hex Editor Free | New

Frhed is an binary file editor for Windows. It is small but has many advanced features like ability to load big files partially. 



Download Software Database browser is an universal table editor Free

This easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse or modify data,run sql scripts, export, import and print data. And the most important thing it is Free-ware.

Key Benefits: English

  • Works directly with Oracle, MS Sql Server, ODBC, MySql, OleDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS Sql Server Compact, Interbase and Firebird
  • Support for ODBC connection strings
  • Unlimited number of connections
  • One click switching from one connection to another
  • One click table browsing
  • Data browsing, filtering and groupping
  • Data exports into CSV, Excel, Html files
  • Import data from Excel
  • Execution history
  • SQL Builder with wide range of supported databases
  • Execution Log
  • Incremental Table Search

Download Software Open Source Akelpad Editor Free

AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast.

Features  :  English
  • Single window (SDI), multi-window (MDI) and pseudo multi-window modes (PMDI);
  • Full support of Unicode strings on Unicode systems (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven);
  • Support of Unicode codepages (UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE);
  • Support of any codepage installed in the system;
  • Support of DOS/Windows, Unix and Mac newline formats;
  • Preview file open;
  • Correct pseudographics displaying;
  • Column text selection;
  • Multi-level undo;
  • Fast search/replace text strings;
  • Remember file codepage and caret position;
  • Printing of a document and print preview;
  • Support of language modules;
  • Plugins support (syntax highlighting, folding, auto-completion, scripts execution, keyboard macros and much more). 

Download Game Strategi Multiplayer Battle for Wesnoth Free

Download Game Strategi Multiplayer Battle for Wesnoth Free | New

What is Battle for Wesnoth? 

in english : The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme
Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host whom none can stand against! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight well on different terrains against all manner of opposition.
Wesnoth has many different sagas waiting to be played. Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir... step into the boots of a young officer sent to guard a not-so-sleepy frontier outpost... lead a brutal quest to unite the orcish tribes... vanquish a horde of undead warriors unleashed by a foul necromancer, who also happens to have taken your brother hostage... guide a band of elvish survivors in an epic quest to find a new home... get revenge on the orcs by using the foul art of necromancy...
There are at least two hundred unit types, sixteen races, six major factions, and hundreds of years of history. The world of Wesnoth is absolutely huge and only limited by your creativity ? make your own custom units, create your own maps, and write your own scenarios or even full-blown campaigns. You can also challenge up to eight friends?or strangers?and fight in epic multiplayer fantasy battles.

Screenshoot :

Achieving Voyager Outer Limits of the Solar System

Achieving Voyager Solar System Outer Limits | New

  Spacecraft Voyager 1, launched in 1977 to explore the planets that exist beyond the asteroid belt, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, has now passed a new area on its way out of the Solar System.

It is revealed from two changes in environmental conditions are very different space and interconnected, which is detected by the vehicle at a location that is more than 18 billion miles from Earth on August 25, 2012.

Voyager 1 satellite captures a drastic change in the levels of radiation, where the radiation comes from the environment in the solar system and the other came from interstellar space.

Bill Webber, astronomer at New Mexico State University in Mexico, said that the heliosphere, Voyager 1 detects particles that exist in the solar system decreased less than 1 percent of the previously detected. While interstellar space radiation increased almost two-fold.

However, researchers have stated that Voyager 1 was already in interstellar space, a space in space are no longer influenced by the effects of the sun.

Edward Stone, a researcher involved in the Voyager project, said, still needed additional evidence indicating Voyager has left the solar system.

"Changes in the magnetic field direction is an important indicator to indicate that the last Voyager 1 has reached interstellar space. Until now it has not been observed change in direction, "he explained.

Researchers suspect that Voyager 1 is now likely to be in the border area between the heliosphere and interstellar space that has never been known before.

"This vehicle is outside the heliosphere," said Webber, who told Reuters on Wednesday (20/03/2013). "Everything that we measure is different and interesting," he added.

In December, Voyager has reached an area called the magnetic highway, where the magnetic field from the Sun's magnetic field is connected with another of interstellar space.

"We believe that this is the last step of our journey toward interstellar space. This is expected in a few months or a few years into the future, "said Stone.

Quadrantids Meteor Showers

Quadrantids Meteor Rain | New

  Quadrantids meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers of the year. The number of meteors reaches 100 pieces per hour. Origin of this meteor shower radiant is near the constellation Bootes, which is located in the northern hemisphere sky.

Slightly different from naming other meteor showers, meteor shower is named after the constellation that is now no longer exists. Constellation in question is quadran muralist. Constellation discovered by J. Lalande in 1795 is located near the tail of Ursa Major, in between Bootes and Draco. This constellation mural quadrant shows the tool, which is used to determine the position of celestial bodies.
Rasi Quadran Muralis
Rasi quadran muralist (Source:

This meteor shower occurs in the first week of January, with the peak being on January 3. Bootes constellation will rise about 2 o'clock in the morning, so this will be a meteor shower can be seen better around 3, after the direction radiannya already quite high in the eastern sky.
Mengamati hujan meteor Quadrantids (Sumber:
Observing the Quadrantids meteor shower (Source:

The meteor shower was first observed in 1825. But his position at the far north causing this meteor shower often can not be observed properly. Because in January, the northern hemisphere experiencing winter, so the sky is not too friendly. In addition, because the peak of the meteor shower only lasted about 2 hours.

In contrast to most other meteor showers, meteor material origin is not known with certainty. The presumption is that the source of comet meteor shower has been destroyed long ago.
Aurora dan meteor-meteor Quadrantids (Sumber: APOD)
Aurora and Quadrantids meteors (Source: APOD)

Effect falling of leaves in Blog

Effect falling of leaves in Blog | New

  There's always a wide range of interesting effects that we can show on the blog, one of which is to make the effects of falling leaves.

This effect is certainly different from the effects due to the pattern of leaf fall before swinging. How to create this effect is very easy, just follow the steps below:

1. Login to blogger
2. Sign in to Design - Page Elements
3. Add gadjet and select HTML Javascript
4. Enter the code below:

     <script src=''/> </ script>

5. Save gadjet and see the results

Welcome to try! Good Luck!

How To Change Date Posted dg Calender Icon

How To Change Date Posted dg Icon Calender | New

The first we have to do is change the setting of the date first, do as usual blogger login first to continue to select Settings -> Formatting, change "date header format" or "format to date (mm.dd.yyyy)

who are beginners must have confused the point right? that you know next to the words "date header format" right there is a box that shows the date, then you click and choose which format eg 13.01.2008 bulan.tangal.tahun continue to save

The second step select menu Layout -> Edit HTML. Then tick the box Expand Widget Templates,

1. Find this code <TITLE> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ TITLE> (place at the top) if dah met underneath put the following script exactly

<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>
function date_replace(date) {
var da = date.split('.');
var day = da[1], mon = da[0], year = da[2];
var month =
document.write("<div class='month'>"+month[mon]+"</div> <div class='day'>"+day+"</div>");

2. if already find this code:
.date-header {
margin: 1.5em 0 0;
font-weight: normal;
color: $dateHeaderColor;
font-size: 100%;

if not there try looking for this one {
margin:1.5em 0 .5em;

3. If you found underneath put the following script
.dateblock {
background: url("")
width: 55px;
margin: 0;
font-weight: bold;
height: 50px;
/*position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;*/
float: left;
text-align: center;

.month {
font-size: 11px;
width: 37px;
margin: 0 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #fff;

.day {
font-size: 19px;
width: 37px;
margin: 0 5px;


Http:// code image icon calendar. You can replace them with pictures of how to replace the code below the image with the following image code, for example, you pingin calendar is red, then change the code so

Then code color: # 3366CC; was color coded
date, you can replace it with another color. You can see the code - the color code


4.The next step is you find this code
<data:post.dateHeader/>, let's easy way nyarinya copy the code,

continue to press Ctrl-F and paste in the box provided, directly nha

see it. if you found replace the code with this script.

<DIV class='dateblock'>

5. Save your template and see the result. Yes do not succeed?

If such writings month and date are up try adding this code padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;under the code.month { and also under the code .day {

NB: If date is changed to the words "undefine" it certainly does not pay attention to you from the beginning of this tutorial. Take a look at this tutorial from the beginning and read the fine print command. : D

Good Luck..!!

Saints Row: The Third - PC Game

Saints Row: The Third

  • Developer: Volition
  • Publisher: THQ
  • Genre: Action
  • Release Date: November 15, 2011 (US)

Saints Row: The Third

Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute.

Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • Memory: 2 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 256 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 2.8 GHz
  • Memory: 4 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 1 Gb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 5850
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
  • DirectX: 10
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive


Download Saints Row: The Third ? Direct Links

Part 1 ? 700 MB

Part 2 ? 700 MB

Part 3 ? 700 MB

Part 4 ? 700 MB

Part 5 ? 700 MB

Part 6 ? 700 MB

Part 7 ? 700 MB

Part 8 ? 700 MB

Part 9 ? 700 MB

Part 10 ? 700 MB

Part 11 ? 700 MB

Part 12 ? 700 MB

Part 13 ? 167 MB


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Release Date: March 17, 2010 (US)
  • Genre: Action

About Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Now a legendary Master Assassin, Ezio must journey into Italy's greatest city, Rome, center of power, greed and corruption to strike at the heart of the enemy. Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio commands an entire Brotherhood that will rally to his side. Only by working together can the Assassins defeat their mortal enemies.

Assassin?s Creed Brotherhood Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows? XP (32-64 bits) /Windows Vista?(32-64 bits)/Windows 7? (32-64 bits)
  • CPU: Intel Core? 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ
  • RAM: 1.5 GB Windows? XP / 2 GB Windows Vista? - Windows 7?
  • VIDEO: 256 MB DirectX? 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see supported list*)
  • DX: 9.0
  • SOUND: DirectX 9.0 -compliant sound card
  • PERIPHERALS: Keyboard, mouse, optional controller
  • Supported Video Cards: ATI? RADEON? HD 2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 series, NVIDIA GeForce? 8/9/100/200/300/400/500 series
  • Note* * This product does not support Windows? 98/ME/2000/NT

Assassin?s Creed Brotherhood Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows? XP (32-64 bits) /Windows Vista?(32-64 bits)/Windows 7? (32-64 bits)
  • CPU: Intel Core? 2 Duo E6700 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ or better
  • RAM: 1.5 GB Windows? XP / 2 GB Windows Vista? - Windows 7?
  • VIDEO: GeForce 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 4700 or better
  • SOUND: 5.1 sound card
  • PERIPHERALS: joystick optional (Xbox 360? Controller for Windows recommended)
  • Supported Video Cards: ATI? RADEON? HD 2000/3000/4000/5000/6000 series, NVIDIA GeForce? 8/9/100/200/300/400/500 series
  • Note* * This product does not support Windows? 98/ME/2000/NT

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (1)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (2)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (3)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (4)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (5)

Download Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood ? Direct Links

Part 1 ? 700 MB

Part 2 ? 700 MB

Part 3 ? 700 MB

Part 4 ? 700 MB

Part 5 ? 700 MB

Part 6 ? 700 MB

Part 7 ? 700 MB

Part 8 ? 700 MB

Part 9 ? 700 MB

Part 10 ? 700 MB

Part 11 ? 700 MB

Part 12 ? 272 MB


Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken

  • Developer: Capcom Namco
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Genre: Fighting, Action
  • Release Date: March 6, 2012 (US)

About Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter x Tekken makes history as fighters from these two bastions of the fighting genre come together for the very first time. Utilizing the same 2D viewpoint and technology that powered Street Fighter IV, this game allows for Tekken characters such as Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams to make the transition into the Street Fighter universe having been re-imagined using Capcom's much-loved art style. Their looks may be different, but these characters have retained their own unique characteristics and signature moves as they go head-to-head with classic brawlers from the Street Fighter franchise in what promises to be an explosive match up.

Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.8 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
  • Memory: 1 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 256 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: Broadband Internet Connection
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.6 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+
  • Memory: 2 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2900
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: Broadband Internet Connection
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse

Download Street Fighter X Tekken ? Direct Links

Part 1 ? 700 MB

Part 2 ? 700 MB

Part 3 ? 700 MB

Part 4 ? 700 MB

Part 5 ? 700 MB

Part 6 ? 700 MB

Part 7 ? 404 MB
