
Download Firefox Browser Free updated Nighty

Download Firefox Browser Free updated Nighty | New
Nighty Firefox is a browser that supports 64-bit systems developed by Mozilla as an alternative to Internet Explorer 64-bit, with Firefox Nightly we can enjoy Adobe Flash on 64-bit operating system.
Firefox Nightly developed a software that Mozilla, Firefox Nightly is a browser that is dedicated to work on 64 bit systems. Full support of Adobe Flash for 64-bit versions make Firefox Nightly able to work normally as compared with no Flash support. Firefox Nightly actually an experimental project browser such as Firefox Beta development projects. Notwithstanding the foregoing, including Firefox Nightly stable enough to be used as the main browser.

Display Firefox Nightly similar to Mozilla Firefox as a whole, but very noticeable difference is the name on the Nightly Drop Down Menu, regarding the compatibility of add-ons and plugins are not all compatible with Firefox Nightly, actually Mozilla also released Firefox Nightly for 32 bit versions as Firefox Nightly is project alpha of Firefox browser

Actually hardly noticeable difference between Firefox Nightly and Firefox 32 bit (standard). Differences in the speed of opening Flash script rarely noticed by the user, including the ability to stream. From measurements made by various parties, the difference between browser capabilities or performance 32 bit and 64 bit relatively thin. Difference of about 1-3 seconds. Nevertheless, by using a 64-bit browser will at least work to optimize processor and 64-bit operating system.