
A thousand and hundred thousand

A thousand and hundred thousand | Hopefully this story can open the eyes of our hearts ..
That said, a thousand and a hundred thousand have the same origin
but suffered a different fate.Both are printed in PERURI with materials and tools are okay.
First time out of the PERURI, a thousand and a hundred thousand equally good,sparkling, clean, fragrant and attractive. But three months after discharge from PERURI, a thousand and a hundred thousand met back in someone's wallet in different conditions.
The hundred thousand tells a thousand: "Yes, my gosh ........... where have you been, man? Just three months we parted, a scar you've worn really? Kumar, dirty, scuffed and ... smell ...!Though our time together out of the PERURI, we have the same cool right ..... What's the matter with you? "Money looked at the hundred thousand thousand are still cool with a feeling miserable. While remembering his journey,a thousand said: "Yes, this is my fate, my friend.Since we're out of PERURI, only three days I was in a clean and a nice purse. The next day I was moved into a tattered wallet vegetable vendors. From wallets vegetable vendors, I switched to a plastic bag of chicken cobbler.Wet plastic, are full of blood and chicken taik.The next day, I was thrown into a plastic buskers, from musicians moment I'm comfortable in the drawer artisan food stall. From my drawer warteg artisan artisan move into the pockets coff?, from there I moved to the 'baluang' (pren: baluang know right ...?) Host-host. That journey from day to day. That's why I smell, ragged, shabby, because often folded, rolled-roll, knead ....... "
The hundred thousand listened with concern.: "Wow, sad journey, man! Stark contrast to my experience. If I do so, since we are out of PERURI it, I kept in nice leather wallet and fragrant.After that I moved to a beautiful woman wallet. Hmmm ... wallet fragrant. Once out of there, I then moved around, sometimes I'm in a 5 star hotel, go to a fancy restaurant, to a luxury car showroom, where mothers gathering officials, and celebrities in the bag. Anyway I have always been a great place. I rarely deh in place you're describing it. And ...... I rarely see the same you know your friends. "
A thousand silent for a moment. He sighed with relief, he said: "Yes. Fate we are different. You always are in place nyaman.Tapi there is one thing that always makes me happy and proud than you!"
"What's that?" the hundred thousand curious."I often meet my friends in the charity boxes in a mosque or place of worship place lain.Hampir every week I stopped in those places. Rarely tuh see you there ....."